Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Tips on How to Treat / Eliminate Stress (Stress) / Life Issues Facing Depression

Various issues and problems of life that we face in our lives sometimes make us dizzy, confused, desperate, losing the spirit of life, tired, cranky, and various other negative things that are not pleasant to live in this short life. Organisasi.org community web site will help provide our own version of the solution.
1. Run a moment / As Of Problems Existing
If you are stressed then we have made various efforts to make us forget the problem that plagued so that we can have a sense of clear conditions for the care of the problem. Perform this step without the stupid ways such as drinking alcohol (alcohol), ngelem, do drugs, speeding, fighting, and others.
Simply do the things that can keep us busy and it took a lot of thinkers such as playing ball, playing ps winning eleven ps2 at the rental together friends, family karaoke singing at the same friends, girl talk, nyapuin street, walking away in short order, vent, playing badminton, and so forth. If it should break physically tired enough to sleep.
The important thing is we should be able to restore our concentration well and considers issues that we face is easy to solve if we do it in earnest. Each there is a will there's a way. Test only a matter of life from God's life that has many solutions to fix it.
2. Conduct Investigation On Existing Problems
Once the mind is free from problems that consume the concentration, then we can start to step to the next stage which is described existing problems and possible solutions to overcome them. Use a piece of paper and a pen to outline the problem after the problem occurred.
Write an outline of the problems we face today are consuming our attention as matters of love, side business, office, family, college / school, friends, finances, and so on. Try to grab some of the most important points are very disturbing, such as love, college, family and business.
Well of four problems that we detail the condition of each problem in detail as an example the problem of love as boyfriend cranky, unwilling to accept our call, too protective, and so on. For problems such as being angry with college friends, there is a difficult task done, it costs to buy books, and others. Write it down point-point problems of each of the core problems with short, clear and concise.
When all the critical issues that must be solved is written on a piece of paper and then we try to find how to overcome the existing subproblems. Suppose for a problem we solve with a cranky boyfriend into the house to apologize doi while explaining the problem and take the streets doing things that are fun. For problems need a book we can find our senior acquaintances whose book we can borrow. Perform this step to all sub-problems and provide solutions at least one and if there could be many solutions, and select one of the best and easy to do.
After all span the 'hierarchy starting from the problem until a solution then we write what we should do a thorough mix of all the problems. So would like a list of activities that we must do to eliminate the problems that have been entrenched and destructive pleasures of this life. Furthermore, do what it says on the list.
3. Clean Problems Existing in a good way
From the list of life solutions that have been made previously, we select a few that easy to do first and do it. Bring a list wherever we go that will guide us in improving the living. Do what you have done if the circumstances support.
Frequently evaluate the results of achievement because there may be improvements, changes or additions. Coretlah problem has been resolved well and add to it if there are other problems that need to be resolved. That way our lives will become more focused and hopefully in the long run this problem has largely resolved. That way we can slowly, slowly we learn to live our own management problems.
If all is over then we should be able to conclude life lessons we have can be because the experience is the best teacher, so we will not easily fall into the same hole over and over again. Good luck:)
Additional:The first step, second and third can be done with people we can trust and not only made the problem becomes increasingly worse.