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Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Islam is easy: pUiSi IsLaM

Islam is easy: pUiSi IsLaM: "      ALLAH oleh DIEZKA AHMAD Ya... ALLAH Begitulah ku menyebutnya Dia maha pemberi,pengasih,dan juga penyayang Setiap hari ku memohon a..."

Buah Berkhasiat Pembunuh Kanker Sirsak

Sirsak/Soursop, buah dari pohon Graviola adalah pembunuh alami sel kanker yang ajaib dengan 10.000 kali lebih kuat dari pada terapi kemo. Tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu?

Karena salah satu perusahaan Dunia merahasiakan penemuan riset mengenai hal ini se-rapat-rapatnya, mereka ingin agar dana riset yang dikeluarkan sangat besar, selama bertahun-tahun, dapat kembali lebih du
lu plus keuntungan berlimpah dengan cara membuat pohon Graviola Sintetis sebagai bahan baku obat dan obatnya djual kepasar Dunia.
Memprihatinkan, beberapa orang meninggal sia-sia, mengenaskan, karena keganasan kanker, sedangkan perusahaan raksasa, pembuat obat dengan omzet milyaran dollar menutup rapat-rapat rahasia keajaiban pohon Graviola ini.
Pohonnya rendah, di Brazil dinamai “Graviola”, di Spanyol “Guanabana” bahasa Inggrisnya “Soursop”. Di Indonesia, ya buah Sirsak. Buahnya agak besar, kulitnya berduri lunak, daging buah berwarna putih, rasanya manis2 kecut/asam, dimakan dengan cara membuka kulitnya atau dibuat jus.
Khasiat dari buah sirsak ini memberikan effek anti tumor/kanker yang sangat kuat, dan terbukti secara medis menyembuhkan segala jenis kanker. Selain menyembuhkan kanker, buah sirsak juga berfungsi sebagai anti bakteri, anti jamur (fungi), efektif melawan berbagai jenis parasit/cacing, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, depresi, stress, dan menormalkan kembali sistim syaraf yang kurang baik.
Salah satu contoh betapa pentingnya keberadaan Health Sciences Institute bagi orang-orang Amerika adalah Institute ini membuka tabir rahasia buah ajaib ini. Fakta yang mencengangkan adalah: Jauh dipedalaman hutan Amazon, tumbuh “pohon ajaib”, yang akan merubah cara berpikir anda, dokter anda, dan dunia mengenai proses penyembuhan kanker dan harapan untuk bertahan hidup. Tidak ada yang bisa menjanjikan lebih dari hal ini, untuk masa-masa yang akan datang.

Riset membuktikan “pohon ajaib” dan buahnya ini bisa :
1. Menyerang sel kanker dengan aman dan effektive secara alami, TANPA rasa mual, berat badan turun, rambut rontok, seperti yang terjadi pada terapi kemo.
2. Melindungi sistim kekebalan tubuh dan mencegah dari infeksi yang mematikan.
3. Pasien merasakan lebih kuat, lebih sehat selama proses perawatan / penyembuhan.
4. Energi meningkat dan penampilan phisik membaik.
Sumber berita sangat mengejutkan ini berasal dari salah satu pabrik obat terbesar di Amerika. Buah Graviola di-test di lebih dari 20 Laboratorium, sejak tahun 1970-an sampai beberapa tahun berikutnya. Hasil Test dari ekstrak (sari) buah ini adalah :
1. Secara efektif memilih target dan membunuh sel jahat dari 12 type kanker yang berbeda, diantaranya kanker : Usus Besar, Payu Dara, Prostat, Paru2, dan Pankreas.
2. Daya kerjanya 10.000 kali lebih kuat dalam memperlambat pertumbuhan sel kanker dibandingkan dengan Adriamycin dan Terapi Kemo yang biasa digunakan!
3. Tidak seperti terapi kemo, sari buah ini secara selective hanya memburu dan membunuh sel2 jahat dan TIDAK membahayakan/ membunuh sel2 sehat!

Riset telah dilakukan secara ekstensive pada pohon “ajaib” ini, selama bertahun-tahun tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu apa-apa mengenai hal ini? Jawabnya adalah : Begitu mudah kesehatan kita, kehidupan kita, dikendalikan oleh yang memiliki uang dan kekuasaan!
Salah satu perusahaan obat terbesar di Amerika dengan omzet milyaran dollar melakukan riset luar biasa pada pohon Graviola yang tumbuh dihutan Amazon ini. Ternyata beberapa bagian dari pohon ini : kulit kayu, akar, daun, daging buah dan bijinya, selama berabad-abad menjadi obat bagi suku Indian di Amerika Selatan untuk menyembuhkan : sakit jantung, asma, masalah liver (hati) dan rematik. Dengan bukti-bukti ilmiah yang minim, perusahaan mengucurkan Dana dan Sumber Daya Manusia yang sangat besar guna melakukan riset dan aneka test. Hasilnya sangat mencengangkan. Graviola secara ilmiah terbukti sebagai mesin pembunuh sel kanker!
Tapi… kisah Graviola hampir berakhir disini.Kenapa?
Dibawah Undang-Undang Federal, sumber bahan alami untuk obat DILARANG / TIDAK BISA dipatentkan.

Perusahaan menghadapi masalah besar, berusaha sekuat tenaga dengan biaya sangat besar untuk membuat sinthesa/kloning dari Graviola ini agar bisa dipatentkan sehingga dana yang dikeluarkan untuk Riset dan Aneka Test bisa kembali, dan bahkan meraup keuntungan besar. Tapi usaha ini tidak berhasil. Graviola tidak bisa di-kloning. Perusaha an gigit jari setelah mengeluarkan dana milyaran dollar untuk Riset dan Aneka Test.
Ketika mimpi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan besar ber-angsur-angsur memudar, kegiatan riset dan test juga berhenti. Lebih parah lagi, perusahaan menutup proyek ini dan memutuskan untuk TIDAK mempublikasikan hasil riset ini.
Beruntunglah, ada salah seorang Ilmuwan dari Team Riset tidak tega melihat kekejaman ini terjadi. Dengan mengorbankan karirnya, dia menghubungi sebuah perusahaan yang biasa mengumpulkan bahan-bahan alami dari hutan Amazon untuk pembuatan obat. Ketika para pakar riset dari Health Sciences Institute mendengar berita keajaiban Graviola, mereka mulai melakukan riset. Hasilnya sangat mengejutkan. Graviola terbukti sebagai pohon pembunuh sel kanker yang efektif.
The National Cancer Institute mulai melakukan riset ilmiah yang pertama pada tahun 1976. Hasilnya membuktikan bahwa daun dan batang kayu Graviola mampu menyerang dan menghancurkan sel-sel jahat kanker. Sayangnya hasil ini hanya untuk keperluan intern dan tidak dipublikasikan.

Sejak 1976, Graviola telah terbukti sebagai pembunuh sel kanker yang luar biasa pada uji coba yang dilakukan oleh 20 Laboratorium Independence yang berbeda. Suatu studi yang dipublikasikan oleh the Journal of Natural Products menyatakan bahwa studi yang dilakukan oleh Catholic University di Korea Selatan, menyebutkan bahwa salah satu unsur kimia yang terkandung di dalam Graviola,mampu memilih, membedakan dan membunuh sel kanker Usus Besar dengan 10.000 kali lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan Adriamycin dan Terapi Kemo!
Penemuan yang paling mencolok dari study Catholic University ini adalah: Graviola bisa menyeleksi memillih dan membunuh hanya sel jahat kanker, sedangkan sel yang sehat tidak tersentuh/terganggu . Graviola t id ak seperti terapi kemo yang tidak bisa membedakan sel kanker dan sel sehat, maka sel2 reproduksi (seperti lambung dan rambut) dibunuh habis oleh Terapi Kemo, sehingga timbul effek negative: rasa mual dan rambut rontok.
Sebuah studi di Purdue University membuktikan bahwa daun Graviola mampu membunuh sel kanker secara effektive, terutama sel kanker: Prostat, Pankreas, dan Paru2.
Setelah selama kurang lebih 7 tahun tidak ada berita mengenai Graviola, akhirnya berita keajaiban ini pecah juga, melalui informasi dari Lembaga2 tsb.diatas.
Pasokan terbatas ekstrak Graviola yang di budi dayakan dan dipanen oleh orang2 pribumi Brazil , kini bisa diperoleh di Amerika.

Kisah lengkap tentang Graviola, dimana memperolehnya, dan bagaimana cara memanfaatkannya, dapat dijumpai dalam Beyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killers, Safe as Mother’s milk, sebagai free special bonus terbitan Health Sciences Institute.
Sekarang anda tahu manfaat buah sirsak yang luar biasa ini. Rasanya manis2 kecut menyegarkan. Buah alami 100% tanpa efek samping apapun.Sebar luaskan kabar baik ini kepada keluarga, saudara, sahabat,dan teman yang anda kasihi.

Karena penasaran dengan validitas informasi, coba-coba googling dan menemukan info serupa di forum sains.

Buah sirsak telah diteliti dan dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku obat kanker, terutama kanker prostat, pankreas, dan paru-paru. Sebuah perusahaan di Amerika rela mengucurkan miliaran dolar demi membuktikan khasiat sirsak sebagai pembunuh sel kanker yang efektif dan jauh lebih aman ketimbang terapi kemo. Sayang, hingga kini obat tersebut masih dirahasiakan. Berita tentang rahasia buah sirsak itu belakangan terkuak dan menyebar luas dengan cepat melalui milis. Informasi tersebut tentu cukup menggembirakan, terutama bagi para penderita kanker dan keluarganya.

Sepuluh ribu kali lebih kuat
Bicara soal kehebatan buah sirsak atau graviola, sebenarnya telah lama dilaporkan lembaga-lembaga penelitian di AS. Health Sciences Institute, AS, pada awal tahun 2000 mengungkapkan, buah yang dalam Spanyol disebut graviola itu memiliki kemampuan sebagai pembunuh alami sel kanker, bahkan hingga 10 ribu kali lebih kuat dari kemoterapi yang menggunakan zat kimia. Selain menyembuhkan kanker, buah sirsak juga berfungsi sebagai antibakteri, antijamur, dan efektif melawan berbagai jenis parasit atau cacing. Sirsak juga efektif menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, depresi, stres, dan menormalkan kembali sistem saraf yang terganggu.
Penelitian Health Sciences Institute diambil berdasarkan kebiasaan suku Indian yang hidup di hutan Amazon. Beberapa bagian dan pohon ini, seperti kulit kayu, akar, daun, daging buah, dan bijinya, selama berabad-abad dijadikan obat oleh suku bangsa itu. Graviola atau sirsak diyakini masyarakat Amazon sebagai obat sakit jantung, asma, gangguan fungsi lever (hati), dan rematik.
The National Cancer Institute telah melakukan penelitian terhadap graviola sejak tahun 1976. Uji coba itu dilakukan di 20 laboratorium independen yang berbeda di bawah pengawasan The National Cancer Institute.

Memburu hanya sel jahat
Di Asia, penelitian serupa dilakukan di Korea Selatan. Suatu studi yang dipublikasikan dalam the Journal of Natural Products menyatakan, studi yang dilakukan di Catholic University di Korea Selatan menyebutkan bahwa salah satu unsur kimia bernama annonaceous acetogenin yang terkandung di dalam graviola, mampu memilih, membedakan, dan membunuh sel kanker yang berkembang di usus besar.
Penemuan yang mencolok dari studi tersebut adalah bahwa zat antikanker itu juga mampu menyeleksi dan membunuh hanya sel jahat kanker, sedangkan sel yang sehat tidak tersentuh. Bandingkan dengan kemoterapi, yang selama ini digunakan untuk mengobati penderita kanker yang tidak bisa membedakan sel kanker dan sel sehat. Sel-sel reproduksi (seperti lambung dan rambut) dibunuh habis dalam kemoterapi. Dampaknya, timbul efek negatif berupa rasa mual, rambut rontok, dan penurunan berat badan secara drastis.
Selain itu, keampuhan buah sirsak adalah melindungi sistem kekebalan tubuh dan mencegah infeksi yang mematikan. Dampaknya bagi penderita kanker adalah energi mereka semakin meningkat dan penampilan fisik semakin membaik.

Daun direbus
Di Indonesia, sirsak sebagai obat alami juga sudah lama dikenal. Dosis yang pernah dicoba para terapis herbal untuk mengatasi pertumbuhan sel kanker adalah 10 helai daun sirsak yang telah hijau tua direbus dengan 3 gelas air (600 cc), dan dibiarkan hingga tersisa satu gelas air (200 cc). Setelah dingin, lalu disaring dan airnya diminum setiap pagi (ada beberapa pasien yang minum pagi-sore).
Efek dari konsumsi rebusan daun sirsak adalah perut terasa hangat atau panas, lalu badan akan berkeringat deras. Perlu dipahami bahwa penggunaan ramuan herbal tidak berkhasiat langsung atau cespleng alias sembuh seketika seperti efek yang ditawarkan obat kimia. Artinya, butuh kedisiplinan untuk minum ramuan selama 3-4 minggu.
Setelah itu, efeknya baru bisa dirasakan dan itu pun belum bisa diuji secara ilmiah, lebih mengandalkan testimoni atau pengakuan empiris.
Hampir semua bagian dari pohon sirsak, mulai kulit kayu, akar, daun, daging buah, hingga bijinya, selama berabad-abad dijadikan obat oleh suku Indian di Amerika Selatan. Beberapa gangguan kesehatan di antaranya sakit jantung, asma, masalah lever (hati), dan rematik diatasi dengan sirsak.

Sumber :

manfaat buah mengkudu

Aug 02
Kesehatan Tagged buah mengkudu, khasiat mengkudu, manfaat mengkudu, mengkudu, mengkudu dan khasiatnya, mengkudu diabetes, mengkudu kanker, mengkudu morinda citrifolia, mengkudu untuk diabetes, mengkudu untuk hipertensi, mengkudu untuk jerawat 4 Comments »


Tanaman liar khas Indonesia ini tumbuh di hutan dan di halaman-halaman sampai ketinggian 1000 m dari permukaan laut. Tinggi pohonnya bisa mencapai 3 – 8 m. Daunnya tebal dan Iebar, berbentuk lonjong, mengkilat dan letaknya berhadapan. Bunganya kecil berwarna putih berbentuk piala. Buahnya berwarna hijau kekuning-kuningan, bertutul-tutul dan banyak bijinya tetapi setengah bagian lainnya ada juga yang tidak berbiji. Kalau sudah tua menjadi kekuningan dan berbau.

Buah mengkudu/pace (Morinda Citrifolia) atau Noni adalah buah yang merupakan karunia Tuhan bagi alam yang beriklim tropis seperti Indonesia, tanaman mengkudu atau pace adalah tanaman ajaib, karena tanaman ini tumbuh berkembang, menjadi besar dengan menghasilkan buah sebelum berbunga dan justru bunga-bunganya mulai muncul dibuku-buku buah yang ada untuk menunggu proses penyerbukan oleh alam agar bakal buah yang ada dapat menjadi besar dan masak. Keajaiban tanaman mengkudu/ pace tidak diragukan lagi oleh banyak orang dan buah mengkudu dianggap sebagai buah “Kramat” dan buah “Dewa” buah dengan 1001 manfaat, karena banyak memiliki manfaat, kaya akan protein, vitamin, mineral termasuk selenium dan nutrisi, memiliki kandungan anti oksidan yang tiada bandingnya sehingga mampu membangun sistem imun (anti bodi/daya tahan tubuh) yang sangat baik, meningkatkan stamina dan sumber energi, memiliki kandungan zat anti bakteri dan anti jamur yang sangat tinggi, pencegah kanker dan kemampuannya meremajakan sel yang ada, dengan data terbaru yang menyatakan lebih dari 150 jenis flavonoid, mineral, vitamin yang terkandung di dalam buah mengkudu yang disebut buah dewa dan buah keramat.

Berbagai penelitian ilmiah dan serangkaian penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ahli, banyak laboratorium dan lembaga Perguruan Tinggi di dunia telah memberikan bukti atas keajaiban dan keampuhan komponen dan zat-zat yang berkhasiat yang terkandung di dalam buah kramat dan buah dewa yang disebut “Mengkudu” oleh karenanya kesimpulan penulis sudah sangat tepat apabila menyebut buah mengkudu sebagai buah yang betul-betul datang dari surga (The Real Fruit From Heaven). Hampir semua komponen tanaman mengkudu dapat dimanfaatkan seperti daunnya untuk sayur dan lalapan juga dipergunakan sebagai bahan obat-obatan karena khasiatnya, bunganya dimanfaatkan untuk obat dan bahan baku obat terutama untuk radang selaput mata, kudis, bisul, sakit tenggorokan dan batuk, kulitnya untuk penyamakan kulit dan pewarna batik. Akarnya dipergunakan sebagai bahan obat-obatan dan buahnya sudah tidak diragukan lagi khasiatnya, disamping itu buah yang masih mengkal dan tua dapat dimakan untuk campuran rujak bebek.

Mengkudu adalah tanaman tropis dan merupakan tanaman asli Indonesia yang tersebar dari Aceh, Sumatera, Riau, Jawa, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Maluku dan Irian Jaya, yang dikenal dengan nama setempat seperti Pace, Cengkudu, Mengkudu, Lengkudu, Bangkudu, Pamoris, Manakudu, Bakulu, Laboran, Boja, Kudu, Tibah, Eodo, Aikombo, Neteu, di Amerika disebut noni, di Taiwan dan Korea disebut buah “Dewa”, di Hawai dan Tahiti disebut “Hawai Magic Plant” atau “Tahiti Magic Plant” dan dalam bahasa latin disebut “Morinda Citrifolia”.

Pohon ini termasuk keluarga Rubiaceae dan tanaman yang termasuk keluarga ini diantaranya kopi, soka, kaca piring dan lain-lain, berdaun tebal dengan mahkota bunga warna putih berbentuk corong yang harum dan berkelamin dua. Buahnya termasuk buah batu yang memiliki banyak biji apabila masak memberikan aroma yang sangat menyengat seperti keju busuk, tengik dan rasanya yang sangat tidak enak karena adanya asam kaprik dan asam kaproat yang lepas seperti minyak atsiri.

Buah Mengkudu baru memiliki khasiat yang maksimal apabila buah tersebut sudah tua dan masak dengan menyebarkan aroma yang sangat menyengat karena lepasnya kandungan asam kaprik dan asam kaproat (yang memang berbau menyengat) dan rasanya yang sangat tidak enak, berbusa (seperti makan sabun), oleh karena itu buah mengkudu ini sangat tidak disukai oleh banyak orang dan justru banyak fakta yang memberikan bukti bahwa khasiat dari buah mengkudu itu sangat bergantung dari kandungan asam kaproat dan asam kaprik yang terkandung, artinya makin tinggi kandungan asam kaproat dan asam kaprik akan memberikan manfaat dan khasiat yang makin tinggi sehingga makin tinggi bau menyengat yang terkandung didalam buah mengkudu tersebut, tentu saja akan makin berkhasiat. Meskipun buah mengkudu ini sangat berkhasiat, namun dibalik itu buah ini sangat rentan, mudah tercemar dan dicemari terutama oleh berbagai macam jamur sehingga pengolahan buah mengkudu yang tidak dilakukan secara hati-hati, akan dapat menimbulkan masalah kesehatan.

Informasi Manfaat dan Khasiat Mengkudu/Pace/Noni dan Sari Jus Mengkudu
Buah mengkudu/pace adalah buah yang merupakan karunia Tuhan bagi alam yang beriklim tropis, dan oleh banyak orang dianggap sebagai buah keramat. Di Taiwan dan Korea di sebut sebagai buah dewa karena khasiatnya yang sangat luar biasa. Di Hawaii, buah mengkudu/pace dikenal dengan sebutan noni dan buah mengkudu/pace yang bernama latin morinda citrifolia tersebut dianggap memiliki banyak manfaat, oleh karena itu dianggap sebagai “Hawaii Magic Plant”, karena buah mengkudu/pace dipercaya bisa mengobati berbagai macam penyakit dan buah mengkudu/pace adalah buah yang memiliki bau yang sangat menyengat, dengan kandungan biji yang sangat banyak, karena itu tidak disukai orang. Namun dibalik itu, buah mengkudu/pace memiliki kemukzizatan yang sangat luar biasa karena buah mengkudu/pace memiliki karakteristik :

Kemampuan merontokkan dan membersihkan sel-sel mati yang ada di dalam jaringan tubuh kita, termasuk sel mati yang ada di dalam saluran pembuluh darah.
Menjaga dan memelihara sel-sel yang masih hidup.
Menumbuhkembangkan sel-sel baru sebagai pengganti sel-sel yang telah mati.

Karena kemampuannya menumbuhkembangkan sel-sel yang baru sebagai pengganti sel-sel yang telah mati, maka disamping memiliki kemampuan mengobati berbagai macam jenis penyakit, buah mengkudu/pace juga memiliki kemampuan mengkondisikan tubuh kita selalu dalam keadaan sehat. Tidak mudah masuk angin maupun terserang berbagai macam penyakit, apabila dikonsumsi secara rutin. Di Asia secara tradisional buah mengkudu/pace juga dipercaya mampu mengobati berbagai macam penyakit, dari diare sampai tumor, karena kemampuannya mengobati gangguan sebagai berikut :

Gangguan Pada Tulang dan Kepala
Reumatik, asam urat, vertigo, stroke, gangguan pada sumsum dan saraf di tulang belakang, migrain, susah tidur, rambut rontok.

Infeksi Kulit
Bisul, luka bakar, radang dibawah kulit, lecet, alergi, penyakit kulit lainnya.

Gangguan Pencernaan
Sakit maag, diare, radang usus, susah buang air besar, ambeien, penyakit gangguan pencernaan lainnya.

Gangguan Kewanitaan
Meningkatkan kesehatan pada saat kehamilan dan persalinan, sering kram, gangguan menstruasi, datang bulan sakit & tidak lancar, kista/miyope, keputihan/kandidas.

Karena Infeksi
Sakit mata, radang mata, batuk, TBC, asthma, gangguan pernafasan, gusi bengkak, sariawan, sakit gigi, keracunan makanan.

Gangguan Penyakit Dalam
Kencing manis/diabetes, darah tinggi, darah rendah, ginjal dan batu ginjal, kandung kemih, turun berok/prostat, sakit jantung, darah kental, darah encer, kekurangan trombosit, lupus, leukimia.

Gangguan Lainnya
Kanker, lesu darah, gangguan seksual, polip, katarak, stress, kolesterol, meningkatkan kinerja kelenjar-kelenjar tubuh, kekurangan nutrisi, meningkatkan proses penyerapan nutrisi dalam tubuh, membersihkan darah, membunuh berbagai jenis cacing, penurun panas, menghentikan kebiasaan merokok, menghentikan kecanduan narkoba, menyuburkan rambut, menyeimbangkan hormon, anti bakteri dan anti oksidan, obesitas/kegemukan.

Kandungan & Manfaat Mengkudu
Tumbuhan ini mengandung zat-zat : metil, asetilester dari kapron danasam-kapril , morindadiol dan soranyidiol. Kandungan metil asetil esterberguna untuk mematikan kuman. Senyawa moridon-nya berkhasiat sebagai obatpencahar sedangkan senyawa soranyidiol berguna untuk melancarkan keluarnyaair seni. Mengkudu juga berkhasiat sebagai obat cacing.

Berikut ini adalah manfaat-manfaat lainnya dari buah Mengkudu yang sudah terbukti secara ilmiah.

Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuh
Penyelidikan klinis yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Schechter (Institut Pengobatan Alami di California) menghasilkan data-data penting tentang kemampuan sari buah Mengkudu, di antaranya yaitu merangsang produksi sel T dalam sistem kekebalan tubuh (sel T berperan penting dalam melawan penyakit); memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh, terutama makrofaset dan limfosit dari sel darah putih; menunjukkan efek anti bakteri; mempunyai efek anti rasa sakit/nyeri (analgesik); menghambat pertumbuhan sel-sel pra kanker/tumor yaitu dengan kemampuannya menormalkan fungsi sel-sel yang abnormal.

Mona Harrison, MD dari Boston University School of Medicine dan direktur medis pada D.C. General Hospiial,USA melaporkan bahwa Mengkudu meningkatkan fungsi kelenjar tiroid dan kelenjar timus, yang dipercaya bertindak melawan infeksi dan masalah-masalah yang berhubungan dengan sistem kekebalan tubuh.

Menormalkan Tekanan Darah
Menurut Neil Solomon, MD.PhD, peneliti masalah kesehatan dari Amerika melaporkan bahwa buah Mengkudu mengandung sejenis fitonutrien, yaitu scopoletin yang berfungsi untuk memperlebar saluran pembuluh darah yang mengalami penyempitan. Hal ini menyebabkan jantung tidak perlu bekerja terlalu keras untuk memompa darah, sehingga tekanan darah menjadi normal.

Hasil uji coba pada hewan menunjukkan bahwa scopoletin menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi dan normal menjadi rendah (hipotensi yang abnormal). Namun demikian, scopoletin yang terdapat dalam buah Mengkudu dapat berinteraksi sinergis dengan nutraceuticals (makanan yang berfungsi untuk pengobatan) lain untuk mengatur tekanan darah tinggi menjadi normal, tetapi tidak menurunkan tekanan darah yang sudah normal. Tidak pernah ditemukan kasus di mana tekanan darah normal turun hingga mengakibatkan tekanan darah rendah (hipotensi).

Para ahli dari Universitas Stanford, Universitas Hawaii, University of California (UCLA), Union College of London, Universitas of Meets di Perancis yang telah mempelajari Mengkudu setuju bahwa tanaman ini berperan menurunkan tekanan darah dalam banyak kasus.

Percobaan klinis sederhana yang dilakukan oleh Scott Gerson, MD (dari Mt. Sinai School of Medicine di New York) menunjukkan bahwa banyak pemakai Mengkudu melaporkan bahwa tekanan darah mereka menjadi tinggi bila berhenti minum sari buah Mengkudu, dan kembali normal bila mengkonsumsi sari buah Mengkudu secara teratur.

Melawan Tumor dan Kanker
Sebuah makalah menarik yang dihadirkan pada pertemuan tahunan American Association fin. Cancer Research ke-83 di San Diego, California, tahun 1992 adalah “Aktivitas Anti-tumor Morinda citrifolia pada Lewis Lung Carcinoma yang Disuntikkan pada Tikus.” Dalam penelitian ini, tikus-tikus percobaan diberi suntikan Lewis Lung Carcinoma aktif (sejenis kanker). Semua tikus yang tidak mendapatkan perawatan dengan Mengkudu mati dalam 9-12 hari akibat kanker. Sedangkan tikus-tikus yang mendapat perawatan dengan Mengkudu mampu bertahan hidup 105 persen hingga 123 persen lebih lama (40 persen dari tikus-tikus percobaan tersebut hidup hingga 50 hari atau lebih). Studi ini diulangi beberapa kali dan setiap kali Mengkudu terbukti secara signifikan memperpanjang umur-umur tikus yang terkena kanker dibanding dengan tikus-tikus yang tidak dirawat dengan Mengkudu. Singkatnya, hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa Mengkudu dapat menghambat pertumbuhan tumor.

Ada beberapa kasus pasien kanker yang mengkonsumsi sari buah Mengkudu dan menjadi sembuh, antara lain kasus pasien Dr. Harrison (D.C. General Hospital), yang menderita kanker hati dan pemhengkakan perut yang disebabkan oleh cairan yang berlebihan. Selama 7 hari mengkonsumsi sari Mengkudu, bengkak pada perutnya berkurang secara nyata. Pengujian haru terhadap cairan perutnya menunjukkan bahwa sel-sel kanker tersebut telah lenyap.

Menurut Dr. Judah Folkman dari Harvard University, Mengkudu bekerja sinergis dengan mikronutrien lain dalam menghamhat aliran darah yang menuju ke sel-sel tumor. Mekanismenya hampir sama dengan minyak squalen (dari hati ikan hiu) yang mengontrol pertumbuhan tumor otak dan memperpanjang usia tikus eksperimen dengan merusak alat-alat peredaran yang mensuplai darah menuju ke sel-sel tumor.

Menghilangkan Rasa Sakit
Kemampuan buah Mengkudu sebagai zat analgesik telah dikenal dalam sejarah pengobatan tradisional, sehingga tanaman ini disebut “painkiller tree” atau “headache tree”. Riset-riset ilmiah telah membuktikan efek menguntungkan dari Mengkudu untuk mengatasi rasa sakit. Pada tahun 1990, para peneliti menemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara dosis ekstrak sari buah Mengkudu dengan aktifitas analgesik tikustikus percobaan (umumnya, semakin banyak digunakan, efek analgesiknya akan semakin kuat).

Banyak teori yang menjelaskan tentang bagaimana mekanisme kerja Mengkudu menghilangkan rasa sakit. Salah satunya adalah teori Dr. Ralph Heinicke (ahli biokimia terkenal dari AS) yang mengatakan bahwa xeronine-lah yang berperan dalam menghilangkan rasa sakit. Hal ini dikaitkan dengan kemampuan xeronine menormalkan protein pada sel-sel yang abnormal, termasuk sel-sel jaringan otak, tempat berasalnya rasa sakit.

Beberapa kasus rasa sakit yang kronis seperti sakit kepala terus menerus, rasa sakit pada otot saraf dan nyeri sendi disembuhkan setelah mengkonsumsi sari buah Mengkudu.

Anti-peradangan dan Anti-alergi
Senyawa scopoletin (hidroksi-metoksi-kumarin) sangat efektif sebagai zat anti-radang dan anti-alergi. Literatur-literatur kedokteran melaporkan keberhasilan pengobatan pada arthritis, bursitis, car-pal tunnel syndrome dan alergi dengan menggunakan scopoletin.

Bryant Bloss, MD, ahli ortopedi dari Indiana, AS melaporkan keberhasilan sari buah Mengkudu menyembuhkan sakit punggung yang dialaminya dan juga 15 orang pasiennya. Sementara itu, 8 orang pasiennya melaporkan bahwa sakit lutut (osteoarthritis) hampir tidak terasa selama mengkonsumsi sari buah Mengkudu. Tiga dari pasien Dr. Bloss yang menderita asma mengalami kemajuan dengan semakin berkurangnya batuk. Beberapa pasien yang mengalami radang sendi juga mulai mengalami kemajuan secara nyata setelah minum sari buah Mengkudu. Beliau menawarkan sari buah Mengkudu sebagai makanan tambahan/suplemen, dan bukan sebagai obat kepada para pasiennya.

Hasil penelitian yang dimuat darn jurnal Pacific Science (vo1.4, tahun 1950) melaporkan bahma Mengkudu mengandung bahan anti bakteri yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi penyakit jantung masalah pencernaan. Senyawa antraquinon yang banyak terdapat pada akar Mengkudu ternyata dapat melawan bakteri Staphylococcus yang menyehabkan infeksi pada jantung dan bakteri Shigella yang menyebabkan disentri.

Mengkudu bersifat anti bakteri terhadap: Bacillus subtilis, Escherichicr coli, Proteus morganii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella montevdleo, Salmonella schotmuelleri, Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexnerii, Shigella paraciysenteriae BH und III-Z, Staphylococcus aureus.

Dr. Robert Young, ahli mikrobiologi dari Utah, USA menemukan yeast molds dan jamur beserta racun yang dihasilkannya dapat menyehabkan sel-sel sakit karena derajat keasamannya (pH) meningkat. Dengan mengkonsumsi sari buah Mengkudu, keadaan tersebut dapat diatasi karena Mengkudu membantu mengatur keseimbangan pH tubuh, sehingga meningkatkan kernampuan tubuh menyerap vitamin-vitamin, mineral dan protein.

Mengatur Siklus Suasana Hati (Mood)
Salah satu kemampuan lain yang dimiliki oleh seopoletin adalah dapat mengikat serotonin. Menurut Dr. Harrison (DC.General Hospital, USA) scopoletin dapat meningkatkan kegiatan kelenjar peneal yang terdapat di dalam otak, yang merupakan tempat dimana serotonin diproduksi dan kemudian digunakan untuk menghasilkan hormon melatonin. Serotonin adalah salah satu zat penting di dalam butiran darah (trombosit) manusia yang melapisi saluran pencernaan dan otak.

Di dalarn otak, serotonin berperan sebagai neutrotrcrnsmitter, penghantar sinyal saran dan prekursor hormon melatonin. Serotonin dan melatonin membantu mengatur beberapa kegiatan tubuh seperti tidur, regulasi suhu badan, suasana hati (mood), masa pubertas dan siklus produksi sel telur, rasa lapar dan perilaku seksual. Kekurangan serotonin dalam tubuh dapat mengakibatkan penyakit migrain, pusing, depresi, bahkan juga penyakit Alzheimer.

Mengatur Siklus Energi Tubuh
Dr. Harrison juga melaporkan bahwa perubahan frekuensi energi tubuh juga disebabkan oleh kegiatan positif sari buah Mengkudu. Efek yang ditimbulkan antara lain; dapat menstabilkan gula darah, mengurangi rasa sakit waktu menstruasi, mengurangi keinginan buang air kecil pada malam hari untuk pria yang mengalami pembengkakan prostat.

Menurut Dr. Heinicke (ahli biokimia dari AS), xeronine juga turut berperan dalam proses siklus energi tubuh. Ia menjelaskan mekanismenya sebagai berikut, xeronine akan diserap pada tempat yang berdekatan dengan tempat penyerapan endorphin dan bertindak sebagai prekursor hormon (co-hormone) untuk mengaktifkan protein reseptor yang memberikan perasaan enak/nyaman. Akibatnya orang akan merasa enak dan memiliki banyak energi setelah mengkonsumsi sari buah Mengkudu.

Khasiat Utama
Riset tentang Mengkudu terus berkembang, baik dilakukan oleh para dokter maupun ahli botani dan ahli biokimia. Penelitian difokuskan pada komponenkomponen/susunan kimia yang dikandung Mengkudu dan efek terapetiknya terhadap berbagai macam penyakit.

Penelitian-penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa sari buah Mengkudu dapat merangsang sistem kekebalan tubuh, mengatur fungsi sel dan regenerasi sel-sel jaringan tubuh yang rusak. Fakta yang menunjukkan bahwa Mengkudu dapat mengatur sel-sel pada tingkat dasar dan kritis itu mungkin dapat menjelaskan mengapa Mengkudu dapat digunakan untuk berbagai macam kondisi kesehatan.

Para dokter di Amerika sudah memberikan banyak laporan tentang keberhasilan penggunaan sari buah Mengkudu terhadap pasien-pasiennya. Dr. Richard Dicks (dari New Jersey, USA) mengatakan, “kami mulai menyadari bahwa kita harus kembali pada hal yang mendasar dari tubuh kita. Apa yang dimaksud dengan metabolisme dalam tubuh adalah membakar nutrisi. Sari buah Mengkudu melindungi tubuh kita dengan memberi nutrisi yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh.”

Khasiat-khasiat Tambahan
Mengkudu memiliki khasiat-khasiat lain yang belum dibuktikan secara medis, namun secara empiris telah banyak orang yang mengalami perbaikan dan peningkatan kesehatan setelah mengkonsumsi sari buahnya. Beberapa problem kesehatan yang dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan Mengkudu:

Sistem pencernaan: Perut kembung, luka pada usus halus, radang lambung, muntah-muntah dan keracunan makanan.

Sistem pernapasan: Batuk,bronchitis, sakit tenggorokan, TBC, kolera, demam pada bayi, sinusitis, asma.

Sistem kardiovaskular: Kolesterol tinggi, penebalan otot jantung, meningkatkan transportasi oksigen di dalam sel.

Penyakit kulit: Luka bakar, luka, kudis, bisul, selulit, cacing kulit, ketombe, kurap, dan radang pada kulit, borok pada kulit, dan masalah-masalah pada kulit lainnya.

Mulut dan tenggorokan: Radang tenggorokan, gusi berdarah, batuk, sariawan, sakit gigi.

Gangguan menstruasi: Sindrom pramenstruasi, siklus haid yang tidak teratur, nyeri pada waktu haid.

Awet muda: Sari buah Mengkudu dapat digunakan sebagai tonik untuk mengatasi keriput akibat proses penuaan.

Penyakit-penyakit dalam tubuh: Diabetis, hepatitis kronis, sakit pinggul, sakit kepala, gangguan fungsi ginjal, kencing batu, ganguan pada hormon tiroid.

Defisiensi daya tahan tubuh: Penyakit virus Epstein-Barr, candidiasis kronis, penyakit akibat infeksi virus HIV, kekurangan tenaga (AES=altered energy syndrome).

Manfaat Buah Nanas

Indonesia memang kaya raya. Buah-buahan sangat mudah kita temui termasuk buah nanas (Ananas comosus). Buah ini sangat murah harganya karena dinilai kurang bermanfaat, namun ternyata buah tersebut kaya manfaat.

Buah nanas bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh, sebagai obat penyembuh penyakit sembelit, gangguan saluran kencing, mual-mual, flu, wasir, dan kurang darah. Penyakit kulit (gatal-gatal, eksim, dan kudis) dapat diobati dengan diolesi sari buah nanas. Kulit buah nanas dapat diolah menjadi sirop atau diekstrasi cairannya untuk pakan ternak.

Bukan cuma itu. Buah yang kulitnya dipenuhi sisik emas ini membuat sistem pertahanan tubuh menjadi lebih solid. Kandungan vitamin A, vitamin C, kalsium, fosfor, magnesium, besi, natrium, kalium, dekstrosa, sukrosa, serta enzim bromelain yang tersimpan dalam buah nanas merupakan peluru tangguh yang bisa meng-KO serbuan penyakit-penyakit serius, seperti tumor, aterosklerosis (penyempitan pembuluh darah), dan beri-beri.

Nanas memang berpotensi menjadi tanaman obat. Enzim bromelain dalam buah nanas berkhasiat sebagai anti radang, membantu melunakkan makanan di lambung, mengganggu pertumbuhan sel kanker, dan mencegah terjadinya penggumpalan darah (blood coagulation).

Kandungan serat nanas yang cukup tinggi, cocok mengobati sembelit. Makan buah nanas, sama artinya mengonsumsi obat pencahar (konstipasi). Efeknya, buang air besar yang tadinya tersendat, menjadi lancar kembali. Nanas juga cukup baik dikonsumsi oleh orang-orang yang sedang sakit. Dalam nanas terkandung zat-zat yang dapat meningkatkan penyerapan obat ke dalam tubuh.

Manfaat lain buah nanas
Mengangkat sel kulit mati
Buah dan daun nanas bermanfaat pula membersihkan jaringan kulit yang mati (skin debridement). Sebuah percobaan yang dilakukan terhadap beberapa ekor tikus yang mengalami luka bakar memperlihatkan bahwa enzim dalam daun dan buah nanas dapat mengangkat jaringan kulit yang mati akibat luka bakar. Enzim ini terus bekerja sampai jaringan kulit yang sehat menampakkan diri.

Menurunkan berat badan
Sediakan 1 buah nanas yang tidak terlalu matang, kupas lalu cuci sampai bersih. Potong seperlunya, lalu jus atau parut, kemudian peras airnya. Agar air sari nanas diperoleh secara maksimal, peras dengan menggunakan potongan kain bersih. Minum air nanas sekaligus. Lakukan 2 kali sehari.

Pilih 3 buah nanas yang belum masak. Kupas dan cuci bersih. Parut atau jus, kemudian peras airnya. Minum air perasan nanas 2 kali sehari setelah makan. Masing-masing setengah gelas.

Radang tenggorokan
Sediakan 2 buah nanas masak. Kupas kulitnya, cuci sampai bersih, potong seperlunya, kemudian parut atau dibuat jus. Peras airnya. Minum 3 kali sehari, masing-masing 1/3 bagian.

Kembung atau rasa penuh di perut karena pencernaan terganggu
Minum jus nanas sekitar 30 menit sebelum makan. Lakukan 3 kali sehari sekitar masing-masing sebanyak 1/2 gelas (150 cc).

Pilih 1 buah nanas muda. Kupas lalu cuci sampai bersih, kemudian bilas dengan air masak lalu parut. Peras dan saring air parutan. Minumkan sedikit demi sedikit pada anak yang menderita cacingan.

Sediakan 1/2 buah nanas yang sudah masak. Kupas kulitnya, parut, peras lalu saring airnya. Tambahkan perasan 1 jeruk nipis ke dalam air nanas. Aduk rata. Kemudia gosokkan pada kulit kepala yang berketombe. Lakukan sebelum tidur dan keramaslah keesokan harinya. Lakukan 2-3 kali dalam seminggu.

Radang kulit (dermatitis)
Sediakan 1/2 buah nanas yang sudah masak. Kupas, cuci bersih, lalu parut. Gosokkan pada bagian kulit yang sakit. Lakukan pada malam hari menjelang tidur. Biarkan semalaman dan cucilah pada esok hari.

Luka bakar, gatal, bisul
Ambil beberapa helai daun nanas, cuci sampai bersih lalu tumbuk hingga halus. Balurkan pada bagian kulit yang sakit.

Keseleo atau memar
Sediakan 1 buah nanas matang, kupas, cuci bersih, potong-potong seperlunya. Jus potongan nanas tadi, dan minum airnya sekaligus.

Efek samping nanas
Bagi beberapa orang, mengkonsumsi nanas terlalu banyak dapat menyebabkan sakit kepala. Nanas dapat menimbulkan reaksi alergi pada sebagian orang. Sebagian orang dapat merasakan gejala alergi seperti kulit menjadi merah dan gatal setelah mengkonsumsi nanas. Untuk menghindari hal ini, potong dan celupkan nanas ke dalam air garam sebelum dikonsumsi.

Dalam kasus alergi serius, bibir dan mulut dapat menjadi bengkak setelah mengkonsumsi nanas. Selain itu nanas juga dapat menyebabkan diare atau mual pada sebagian orang. Hal ini dapat terjadi jika orang yang alergi terhadap nanas mengkonsumsi nanas dalam jumlah besar.

Tidak semua orang bebas mengonsumsi nanas. Buah yang satu ini mempunyai efek samping, antara lain:

1. Menggugurkan kandungan.
Nanas muda berpotensi sebagai abortivum atau sejenis obat yang dapat menggugurkan kandungan. Makanya, nanas sering digunakan untuk mengatasi haid yang terlambat. Wanita hamil disarankan untuk tidak mengonsumsi nanas muda.

2. Memicu rematik.
Di dalam saluran cerna, buah nanas terfermentasi menjadi alkohol. Ini bisa memicu kekambuhan rematik gout. Penderita rematik dan radang sendi dianjurkan untuk membatasi konsumsi nanas.

3. Meningkatkan gula darah
Buah nanas masak mengandung kadar gula yang cukup tinggi. Penderita diabetes sebaiknya tidak mengonsumsi nanas secara berlebihan.

4. Menimbulkan rasa gatal
Terkadang sehabis makan nanas segar, mulut dan lidah terasa gatal. Untuk menghindarinya sebelum dimakan, rendamlah potongan buah nanas dengan air garam.

(Human Health dan berbagai sumber lainnya)

Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Malioboro Street Jogjakarta

Until Jogja, if not stop at the Malioboro Yogyakarta is still considered not up to thereby assuming a lot of people. Yes, the road just inside an imaginary line connecting the Kraton Yogyakarta, Tugu Jogja Kembali Monument and the summit region of Mount Merapi has become legendary and save a million memories.

Jalan Malioboro has established a regional gathering place of various communities. Of the many communities that exist, only a community of traders who continue to exist until now. Other communities, who used to exploit the region, such as the community of humanists and artists finally gets only a narrow space, displaced trading activity that increasingly control the space in Malioboro.

The road was built since King Ngayogyakarta lane I, equipped with a means of trading in the form of a traditional market since 1758. Markets that used to be a region that many banyan trees grow eventually named Beringharjo market. Trade area is growing and over the past 248 years, trading akitvitas extends to control the whole area of ​​Malioboro.

Malioboro has nothing to do with mallbor. Malioboro is taken from Sanskrit language which means garland. First, longitudinal perisis road toward the gate of the palace Ngayogyakarta always fulfilled if the palace held a wreath event. Because it is given the name of Malioboro street (wreath).

Malioboro a silent witness to various key events that eventually many of the nation's long journey coloring Indonesia. Departure of troops from the Dutch work is symbolic of Mother Earth performed on Jalan Malioboro and there are inscriptions that can be viewed until now. On both sides of Jalan Malioboro, there are many historic buildings, including Vredeburg and the Great House. Once the nesting place of artists and cultural communities.

Malioboro is exotic. Keeksotikan remains glowing today. Icon of Yogyakarta provides a wide assortment of souvenirs of Jogja. Souvenir hunting while walking on the shoulder of the road where hundreds of street hawkers mangkalnya bring nan romantic atmosphere. All here, ranging from local handicrafts such as batik, rattan ornament, leather puppets, bamboo crafts (key chains, decorative lamps, etc.) also blangkon (hat typical Java / Yogyakarta) and silver goods, to vendors selling knick knacks more commonly found in places other trades.

When you are satisfied along Malioboro Malioboro lesehan which began to open the evening can be used to unwind while enjoying the foods of Jogja Gudeg. For those who want to pamper your mouth with the other menus, there are also pigeons fried / grilled, pecel catfish, seafood, cuisine Padang and various other typical meal. While enjoying the food, street singers will entertain with songs hits or memorable song.
That atmosphere ngangeni, Malioboro atmosphere. Then the "Return to your city" depicts a yearning for Jogja with Malioboronya.?

Not to forget I wrote here a song called "Yogyakarta" which was sung by KLa Project several years ago to treat my sense of Yogyakarta and miss you might as well ...

Back to your town, there is a stack of emotion in the miss
Was the same
Friendly greets me every corner of the full ten thousand meanings
I'll drift nostalgia as we often take some time
Enjoy the atmosphere with Jogja

At the intersection, I stop
Bustling street vendors hawking typical dish taste
People sitting cross-legged
Street musicians began to play over your loss laraku
Whimpering alone, amid the roar of your town

(Though now you do not return t'lah no) Oh ...
(But your smile everlasting present your town)
(Allow me to go home again s'lalu)
(When the heart began to quiet without relieved) Oh ... Not treated

Street musicians began to play, oh ...
Whimpering alone, amid the roar, hey ...

Though now you do not come back no t'lah
But your smile everlasting present your town
Allow me to go home again s'lalu
(For s'lalu home again)
When the heart began to quiet without remedied, oh ...

(Though now you do not return t'lah no)
Not again ...
(But your smile everlasting present your town)
But the smile that present your town, the eternal
(Allow me to go home again s'lalu)
Allow to s'lalu, always go home again
(When the heart began to quiet without untreated)
When the heart began to quiet without treated

Although now you've gone (not back) did not return
But your town to present your smile (perennial)
Eternal smile, eternal ...

Source: http://sunudotcom.blogspot.com/ - Translate By : Gedesebayu


is the name of a Buddhist temple located in the village of Borobudur, Magelang regency, Central Java. This temple was founded by followers of Mahayana Buddhism around the year 800 AD during the reign of the dynasty dynasty. Location of the temple is approximately 100 km southwest of Semarang and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta, and an altitude of approximately 265.4 m above sea level. This temple was founded by followers of Mahayana Buddhism around the year 800 AD during the reign of the dynasty dynasty. This temple was supposedly built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of Old Mataram Kingdom. Construction of the temple was supposedly completed in 847 AD According Klurak Inscription (784 AD) the manufacture of the temple was assisted by a teacher from Ghandadwipa (Bengalore) named Kumaragacya a highly respected, and a prince from Kashmir named Visvawarman as an advisor who is an expert in Tantric Vajrayana Buddhism. Construction of this temple began during the Maha Raja Sri Sanggramadananjaya Dananjaya the title, followed by his son, Samaratthungga, and by his granddaughter, Dyah Ayu Pramodhawardhani.

Mahayana (Sanskrit: महायान, Mahayana which literally means 'Great Vehicle') is one of two main streams of Buddhism and is the term division of philosophy and teachings of the Buddha. Mahayana, who was born in India, is used for three main terms:

As a tradition that has been located, the Mahayana is the largest collection of two traditions of Buddhism that exist today, the other is the Theravada. This division is often debated by various groups.
According to the division classification based on the philosophy of Mahayana Buddhism, Mahayana refers to the level of spiritual motivation (which is also known as Bodhisattvayana) Based on this division, the other option approach is called Hinayana, or Shravakayana. It is also known in the teachings of Theravada, but is not considered as an appropriate approach.
According to the arrangement of the Vajrayana teachings on the division line of teaching, Mahayana refers to one of three paths to enlightenment, the other two are Hinayana and Vajrayana. The division of teaching in Vajrayana Buddhism, and unknown in the teachings of Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism.

Although the origin of the existence of Mahayana refers to Gautama Buddha, the historians concluded that the Mahayana originated in India in the first century, or the first century BC. According to historians, the main movement in the Mahayana Buddhism in India in the 5th century, the start time the Mahayana texts began to appear on the record the inscriptions in India. Before the 11th century (when Mahayana was still in India), the Mahayana sutras are still in process improvement. Therefore, a variety of silk from the silk that the same may arise. These translations are not considered by historians in shaping the history of the Mahayana.

In the course of its history, Mahayana spread throughout East Asia. Countries that adhere to the teachings of Mahayana today are China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam and the adherents of Tibetan Buddhism (the Himalayas caused by ethnic Chinese invasion to Tibet). Stream of Mahayana Buddhism today is the "Pure Land", Zen, Nichiren, Singon, Tibetan and Tendai. These three last have a good flow of Mahayana and Vajrayana teachings.

Old Mataram Kingdom was ruled by the dynasty dynasty dynasty two Buddhist and Hindu Sanjaya Dynasty Shiva. In the early era of the Ancient Mataram, quite dominant dynasty dynasty in Central Java. According to historians, Sanjaya dynasty originally was under the influence of dynastic rule dynasty. Regarding the competition authority is not known for certain, but both are equally powerful in Central Java.

The kings of the ruling dynasty of the family are listed in Ligor inscriptions, inscriptions or inscriptions Klurak Nalanda, while the kings of Sanjaya families listed in the inscription and the inscription Mantyasih Canggal. Based on the temples, relics of the ancient Mataram kingdom from the 8th century and 9th patterned Buddhism (dynasty) are generally located in the southern part of Central Java, while the patterned Hindu (Sanjaya) are generally located in North Central Java.

In the reign of king Indra (782-812), his son, Samaratungga, married to Tara, daughter of Palembang. Inscriptions found not far from Kalasan provide an explanation that the temple was built in honor of Tara as a female Bodhisattva. In the year 790, dynasty attacked and beat Chenla (Cambodia), then had reigned there for several years.

Borobudur Temple was completed in the reign of Samaratungga (812-833). Borobudur is the largest Buddhist monument in the world, and has now become one of Indonesia national pride. From the results of his marriage with Tara, have a daughter named Samaratungga Pramodhawardhani and son named Balaputradewa.

The name of Borobudur itself still contains a lot of interpretation and many theories that attempt to explain the name of this temple. One of them states that the name is probably derived from the word Sambharabhudhara, meaning "mountain" (bhudara) where the slopes are located terraces. In addition there are several other folk etymology. For example, the word comes from the word Borobudur "the Buddha" is due to a shift in the sound of the Borobudur. Another explanation is that the name comes from two words "coal" and "beduhur". Said coal comes from the word monastery (Sanskrit) which means temple or monastery and budur derived from the word meaning beduhur above. Thus, Borobudur means "monastery on a hill" that may be identified with a mountain having terraces (budhara). Another source says that Borobudur means "monastery is situated on the high ground".

Borobudur name contained in a manuscript known Nagarakretagama Prapanca MPU works in 1365 AD, where it says "monastery in Budur". Then in the Babad Tanah Jawi (1709-1710) there is news of Mas Fund, a rebel against the King Pakubuwono I, who was caught in the Redi Borobudur and sentenced to death. Then in 1758, sparked the news about a prince from Yogyakarta, namely Prince Monconagoro, who would like to see a statue of a warrior are locked in a cage.

Borobudur is the second largest temple after Ankor Wat temple in Cambodia. Borobudur Temple building area 15,129 m2, composed of 55,000 m3 of rock, from two million pieces of rocks. Average stone size 25 cm x 10 cm x 15 cm. Overall length of cut stone 500 km with a total weight of 1.3 million tons of stone.

The walls of Borobudur Temple surrounded by pictures or reliefs which are a series of stories that terususun in the 1460 panel. The length of each panel 2 meters. If the series of reliefs that stretched the length of the approximately 3 km of relief entirely. The number of levels there are ten, 1-6 levels of a square, while the 70-10 round.

Arca found throughout the temple buildings totaling 504 units. High temple of the soil surface until the end of the main stupa was 42 meters, 34.5 meters but now lives after being struck by lightning.

Borobudur temple consists of 10 levels, six levels of a square, three-level circular, and a main stupa as a peak. Also scattered at all levels-the levels several stupas.

Each level represents the stages of human life. Corresponding schools of Mahayana Buddhism, every person who wants to reach the level as the Buddha had to go through each level of the life. Borobudur has 504 Buddhist stupa in the complex.

The foot of Borobudur represents Kamadhatu, the world is still dominated by kama, or "low desire". This section is mostly covered by a pile of stone that allegedly made to strengthen the construction of the temple. At the closed part of this additional structure there are 120 panels Kammawibhangga story. Some small additional structure was set aside so people can still see the relief in this section.

Four floors with walls berelief on it by the experts called Rupadhatu. The floor is rectangular. Rupadhatu is a world that has been able to break free from lust, but is still bound by the appearance and shape. This level represents the nature of that is, between the bottom and the nature of nature. In part this Rupadhatu statues of Buddha found in the recesses of the wall above ballustrade or breezeway.

Starting the fifth to the seventh floor walls are not berelief. This level is called Arupadhatu (which means no tangible form or not). Circular floor plan. This level represents the nature of, where people are free from all desires and bond forms and shapes, but have not reached nirvana. Buddha statues are placed inside the stupa is covered with holes as in the cage. From outside the statues that still seems vague.

The highest level that describes the lack of being represented in the form of the largest and highest stupa. Stupa depicted plain without holes. Within the biggest stupa of the Buddha statue was ever found an imperfect or also called "unfinished Buddha", a sculpture Adibuddha disalahsangkakan as-yet through further research there has never been a statue at the main stupa. The statue that did not finish it was a mistake pemahatnya in ancient times. According to belief, the statue that was wrong in the manufacturing process should not be tampered with. Archaeological excavations carried out in the courtyard of the temple was found a lot of statues like this.

Borobudur has no spaces worship like other temples. That there are long hallways which is a narrow road. The hallways surrounding the walled temple level by level. In the halls of the Buddhist is expected to perform the ceremony walk around the temple to the right. Shape of the building without room and terraced structure is alleged is the development of form punden staircase, which is a form of architecture from prehistoric native Indonesia.

Borobudur structure when viewed from above form a mandala structure. Borobudur structure does not use cement at all, but the Interlock system is like Lego blocks that can be attached without glue.

This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief, at every level carved reliefs on temple walls. Reliefs are read according to clockwise or referred to in the Old Javanese mapradaksina derived from Sanskrit meaning daksina east. These reliefs variety of story content, among other reliefs Jātaka story.

Reading of relief stories are always the starting and ending on the east side of the gate at every level; start on the left and ends at the right of the gate. So obviously that the east is the ladder up the real (main) and to the top of the temple, it means that the temple facing the east while the other sides of similar right.

In sequence, the story of the temple reliefs mean briefly as follows:

One of the temple wall carvings at Borobudur Karmawibhangga (southeast corner of the floor 0). In accordance with the symbolic meaning to the foot of the temple, reliefs which adorn the walls of a hidden shelf that illustrate the law of karma. Rows of relief is not a story of the series (serial), but in every frame illustrates a story that memunyai causal correlation. Relief will not only give an idea of ​​human moral turpitude accompanied by penalties that would obtain, but also human and reward good deeds. Overall this is a carved depiction of human life within the circle of birth - life - death (samsara) which is never ending, and by Buddhism chain is exactly what will be ended to to perfection.

This relief is a depiction of a history of the Buddha in a row of reliefs (but not a complete history) that starts from the Buddha's descent from heaven Tusita, and ends with the first sermon in the Deer Park near the city of Banaras. These reliefs lined the stairs on the south side, after a row exceeded the relief of 27 frames starting from the east side of the stairs. The 27 frames are busy describing, both in heaven want any in the world, in preparation to welcome the presence of the last incarnation of the Bodhisattva as the Buddha. The reliefs depict the birth of the Buddha in this arcapada as Prince Siddhartha, son of the King and Queen Maya of Suddhodana Kapilavastu Affairs. Relief amounted to 120 frames, which ended with the first sermon, which is symbolically expressed as "Turning of the Wheel of Dharma", the Buddha's teaching is called dharma also means "law", while the dharma is represented as a wheel.

Jataka stories of Buddha was born as Prince Siddhartha before. Protrusion of contents is the subject of good works, which distinguishes the Bodhisattvas of any other creature. Indeed, the collection service / good deed is a preparatory stage in the effort towards the level of Buddhahood.

There was Awadana, basically, almost the same as the Jataka but the culprit is not the Bodhisattvas, but other people and the stories collected in the book Diwyawadana meaning "noble deeds godlike," and the book Awadanasataka or "a hundred stories Awadana". In the reliefs of Borobudur, Jataka and Awadana treated equally, meaning that they occur in the same row without distinction. The set of the best known of the life of the Bodhisattva is Jatakamala or strands of Jataka stories, Aryasura poet who lived during the 4th century AD

These reliefs adorn the walls of the hall to-2, is the story of a wandering Sudhana tirelessly in his quest for the Supreme Knowledge of the Truth by Sudhana. Description of the frame 460 based on Mahayana Buddhist scripture entitled Gandawyuha, and for the lid on the story of another Bhadracari.

Before restoration, the Borobudur Temple in ruins just like the artifacts of the newly discovered temple. Subsequent restoration by Cornelius at the Raffles want any resident Hatmann. The next period of restoration was carried out in 1907-1911 by Theodorus van Erp who rebuilt the temple from the ruins of the order form for the time eaten up the form now.

Van Erp is actually an expert on building techniques Genie military with the rank of lieutenant, but then attracted to research and learn the ins and outs of Borobudur temple, began his philosophy to the teachings they contain. For that he tried to do a comparative study for several years in India. He also went to Sri Lanka to see the composition of the Sanchi stupa peak in Kandy, until finally finding the form of Borobudur Temple. There is also the foundation of philosophy and religion was found by the Stutterheim and NJ. Chrome, which is on the teachings of the Buddha Dharma in the Mahayana-Yogacara and no trend is also mixed with a flow-Tantric Vajrayana.

Robert von Heine Geldern (anthropologists, ethnologists Austria,) based on the results of the investigation which he lalukan states that the ancestors of the Indonesian people are familiar with grammar and culture on the Megalithic Neolithic from South Vietnam and Cambodia. In ancient Megalithic that the ancestors of Indonesia to make the tomb of his ancestors as well as a place of worship tiered pyramid building, getting to the top gets smaller. One was found in Lebak Sibedug Leuwiliang Bogor West Java. Similar buildings are also found in Sukuh near Solo, Borobudur Temple also. If we look from a distance, Borobudur will look like a staircase or a similar arrangement of building the pyramids and a stupa. Unlike the giant pyramids in Egypt and the Pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico, Borobudur is another version of pyramid building. Borobudur pyramid form kepunden staircase will not be found in the region and any country, including in India. This is one of the advantages of Borobudur temple which is a typical Buddhist architecture in Indonesia.

Borobudur first monograph published in Dutch and translated into French a year later. This monograph contains hundreds of sketches and drawings of the temple and its contents, created on the initiative of the Dutch government to involve at least three experts: Leeman, Wilsen, and Brumund. Since this monograph was published, the public access area (particularly Europe) to information Borobudur becomes wide open. Borobudur began taking place in the "map of world history" and attracted the attention of experts to investigate further.

The first restoration was done under the leadership of Theodore van Erp by the Dutch government funds. In addition to restoration, photo documentation of circumstances he made a temple before, during, and after restoration, as well as perform data collection and inventory of the number of stupas and reliefs. However, the most notable is the success of van Erp reconstruct the temple as a whole to be a shape that we see today. However, to date there are few things that remains a mystery of Borobudur temple, for example in terms of rock composition, how to transport the stone from the area of ​​origin to destination, as well as the technology used and the longer the process of making reliefs on temple walls, all is still a mystery which makes us wonder.
Source:http://sunudotcom.blogspot.com/ - Translate By :gedesebayu

Sultan Palace is a palace of the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta

Keraton Ngayogyakarta or Sultan Palace is a palace of the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta official who is now located in the city of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Although the empire has officially become part of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950, this palace complex building still serves as residence and household sultan palace imperial tradition that is still running until today. This palace is now also one of the attractions in the city of Yogyakarta. Part of the palace complex is the museum's collection of the empire, including a variety of gifts from the kings of Europe, a replica of the palace treasures, and gamelan. In terms of the building, this palace is one example of Javanese palace architecture of the best, has a luxurious hall-hall and a wide field, and pavilion.

Yogyakarta Palace was started by Sultan lane I post a few months Giyanti Treaty in 1755. The location of this palace is reputedly named a former pesanggarahan Garjitawati. This guesthouse is used to break the funeral procession of the kings of Mataram (Kartasura and Surakarta) to be buried in Imogiri. Another version states the location of the palace is a fountain, Pacethokan Bannerman, who was in the woods Beringan. Prior to occupy the Palace of Yogyakarta, Sultan lane I stayed at the Ambar Pesanggrahan Ketawang which now includes the District of Sleman Regency Dalkeith.

Physically, the palace of the Sultan of Yogyakarta has seven core complex that is Siti Hinggil Ler (North Hall), Kamandhungan Ler (Kamandhungan North), Sri Manganti, Kedhaton, Kamagangan, Kamandhungan Kidul (South Kamandhungan), and Siti Hinggil Kidul (South Hall). In addition Sultan Palace has a variety of cultural heritage that shaped both the ceremony and ancient artifacts and historic. On the other hand, the Sultan Palace is also a traditional institution complete with customary holders. It is therefore not surprising that the values ​​of philosophy as well as the mythology surrounding the Sultan Palace.

Spatial and general architecture

Chief architect of this palace was Sultan Hamengkubuwana I, founder of the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta. His expertise in the field of architecture regarded by Dutch scientists - Dr. Pigeund and Dr. Adam who regard it as the "architect of the civil Pakubuwono II Surakarta". The building principal and the basic design layout of the palace following the basic design of the landscape the old city of Yogyakarta, was completed between the years 1755-1756. Other buildings added in later by the next Sultan of Yogyakarta. Form of the palace which looks today is largely a result of refurbishment and restoration undertaken by Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII (reigned in 1921-1939).


Corridor in the background Kedhaton Gedhong Jene and Gedhong Purworetno

Formerly a major part of the palace, from the north keselatan, starting from the gate Gladhag in the north to the south Plengkung Nirboyo. Parts of the main palace of Yogyakarta from north to south are: Gate-Pangurakan Gladag; Ler Square Complex (North Field) and the Mosque Gedhe (Masjid Raya Kingdom); Complex Pagelaran, Siti Complex Hinggil Ler, Ler Kamandhungan Complex; Complex Sri Manganti ; Complex Kedhaton; Complex Kamagangan; Complex Kamandhungan Kidul; Complex Siti Hinggil Kidul (now called Sasana Hinggil); and Square South (South Field) and Plengkung Nirbaya commonly called Plengkung Gadhing.

Parts of the north south Kedhaton with virtually symmetrical. Most of the buildings on the north Complex Kedhaton facing north and south Complex Kedhaton facing south. In most areas Kedhaton own buildings facing east or west. However, there are building facing the other direction.

In addition to the parts that pivot the main north-south palace also has another part. The sections include Pracimosono Complex, Complex Roto Wijayan, Kilen Palace Complex, Complex Taman Sari, and Crown Prince Palace Complex (initially Sawojajar later in nDalem Mangkubumen). All around the palace and in it there is a defense system consisting of a wall / wall and Baluwerti Cepuri. Outside the walls of the buildings that are associated with the palace, among others, Monument White Pal, Gedhong Krapyak, nDalem Kepatihan (Palace of the Prime Minister), and Beringharjo market.

General Architecture

In general, each complex is comprised of pages that are covered with sand from the south coast, the main building as well as the companion, and sometimes planted certain trees. Complex with each other separated by walls high enough and that is usually associated with Regol Semar Tinandu style. Doors made of teak wood is thick. Behind or in front of each gate there is usually called the wall insulation or Baturono Renteng. In particular insulation Regol have a distinctive ornament.

Yogyakarta Palace buildings looked more stylish traditional Javanese architecture. In certain parts of the visible touch of foreign cultures such as Portuguese, Dutch, and even China. Buildings in each complex are usually shaped / berkonstruksi Joglo or derivations / derivative construction. Joglo open without walls is called the ward while the wall is called Gedhong joglo closed (the building). In addition there are buildings that form a canopy of bamboo and thatched bamboo poster called Tratag. In the development of this tin-roofed buildings and colonnaded iron.

Joglo roof surface in the form of trapezoid. The material is made of shingle, isthmus, as well as zinc and usually colored red or gray. The roof is supported by the main mast is called with Soko Guru that was in the middle of the building, as well as other poles. The pillars of the building is usually dark green or black with yellow ornaments, light green, red, and gold as well as others. For the other buildings made of wood has a color matching the color of the pole. In certain buildings (eg Manguntur Tangkil) has Mirong Princess ornaments, calligraphy stilasi of Allah, Muhammad, and Alif Lam Mim Ra, in the middle of the poles.

For the stone plinth, Ompak in black combined with gold-colored ornaments. The color white dominates the building wall and the dividing wall complex. Floors are usually made of alabaster or patterned tiles. The floor is made higher than sandy page. In particular building has a main floor higher. In particular building is equipped with a square stone, called Selo Gilang place where the Sultan's throne.

Each building has a class depending on its function, including proximity to office users. The main class for example, buildings used by the Sultan in an official capacity, has a more intricate details of ornamentation and beautiful compared to the class below it. The lower the grade of building the more simple ornaments do not even have the ornaments at all. In addition to ornaments, the class of buildings can also be seen from the material and form a part or whole of the building itself.

Complex front


The main gate to get into the Yogyakarta Palace complex from the north is the gate and the gate Pangurakan Gladhag located just a few meters to the south. Both of these gates looks like a layered defense. In his supposedly Pangurakan is where you can drop a watch list or expulsion from the city for those who got the punishment of exile / exile.

Another version says there are three gates of the gate Gladhag, Pangurakan nJawi Gate, and Gate Pangurakan Lebet. Gladhag first gate located on the northern end of Jalan Trikora (General Post Office in Yogyakarta and Bank BNI 46) but now it's gone. In the south is the gate current nJawi Pangurakan still standing and the first gate on entry palace from the north. In the south gate there nJawi Pangurakan Plataran / Pangurakan field which is now a part of the Road Trikora. South boundary is the gate Pangurakan Lebet which also still stands. After the gate there Pangurakan Ler Square Complex.

Alun-alun Lor

Terrain, "Alun-alun Lor ', in the north of Yogyakarta court with its tree-ringin Brackets

Alun-alun Lor is a grassy field in the northern part of Yogyakarta Palace. Formerly a square-shaped terrain is surrounded by a wall fence high enough. Now the wall was not seen again except on the east side of the south. Today the square is narrowed and only the center are visible. At the edge of the paved road was built which was opened to the public.

On the edge of the square planted with a row of banyan trees (Ficus Benjamina; family Moraceae) and middle-middle there is a banyan tree which was given a pair of fence called K. Sengkeran / ringin Brackets (banyan fenced). Both the tree is named Kyai Kyai Dewadaru and Janadaru. In addition to the Sultan of his day was Pepatih Dalem which may pass through / walk between the two banyan trees that lined it. This place is also used as an arena of the people sit down to do the "Tapas Pepe" when Pisowanan Ageng as a form of objection on government policy. Employee / abdi-Dalem Kori will meet them to hear any complaints then submitted to the Sultan who was sitting on Siti Hinggil.

On the sidelines of the banyan tree at the edge of the north, east, and west there is a small pavilion called Pekapalan, transit and stay to the Regents of the Overseas Empire. The building is now a lot has changed its function and some have disappeared. Formerly the southern part there is a building that is now a separate complex, Pagelaran.

In ancient times Square Lor used as the venue for royal events and ceremonies involving the masses. Among these are Garebeg and sekaten, Watangan events and tiger rampogan, pisowanan ageng, and so on. Now this place is frequently used for various events that also involve the community such as concerts, campaigns, rallies, venues of worship until the Islamic holidays are also used for football locals and the parking of vehicles.

Sultanate Mosques Gedhe

Gedhe Sultanate Mosque Complex (Masjid Raya Empire) or the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta is located west of the complex north of the town square. Complex which is also called the Mosque Gedhe Kauman surrounded by a high wall. The main entrance of the complex located on the east side. Architectural tajug square-shaped main building with the roof closed bertumpang three. To enter the main doors are on the east and north. On the western side there is a three-tiered pulpit made of wood, the mihrab (the imam leads the prayer), and a cage-like building called maksura. In his time (for security reasons) in this place to worship the Emperor. Joglo mosque portico shaped rectangle open. Parent mosque floor is made higher than the mosque portico and porch floor is much higher than the courtyard. On the north-east-south porch there is a small pond. In ancient times this pool to wash the feet of people who want to enter the mosque.

In front of the mosque there is a courtyard planted with a particular tree. In the north and south of the page (the northeast and southeast of the mosque building highways) there is a fairly high building called Pagongan. Pagongan in the northeast of the mosque called Pagongan Ler (North Pagongan) and located in the southeast called Pagongan Kidul (South Pagongan). At the ceremony Sekaten, Pagongan Ler used to put the gamelan Kyai Sekati Kangjeng (KK) Dragon Wilaga for gamelan and South Pagongan Sekati KK Guntur Madu. In southwestern South Pagongan there door to enter the mosque complex highway that used in the ceremony at the ceremony Sekaten Boto Traces in Dal. In addition there is Pengulon, official residence of Kyai Kangjeng Pengulu north mosque and the old cemetery west of the mosque.

Core complex

Complex performances

The main building is the Ward show formerly known by the name Tratag Creep. In his performances is the place where the imperial courtier to the Sultan at the official ceremony. Now often used for events tourism, religion, and others in addition to ceremonial palace. Ward Pemandengan pair located at the far east and west show. Formerly the place was used by the Sultan to watch the war games in the Square Lor.

A pair of Ward Pasewakan / clamp located just outside the east wing and west show. Formerly used by the commanders of the Sultan of the Sultanate received orders or waiting to report to him later also used as a place to keep the Regent Anom Jaba. Now used for tourism interests (such diorama depicting a procession of traditional, palace and other soldiers). Pengrawit wards located in the south east wing Tratag performances formerly used by the Sultan to inaugurate Pepatih Dalem. Currently on the south side of the complex is decorated with reliefs struggle Sultan HB I and Sultan HB IX. Show complex was once used by the University of Gadjah Mada University has a campus in Bulak before Wells.

Siti Hinggil Ler

In the south there are complex performances Siti Hinggil Complex. Siti complex Hinggil traditionally used to conduct official royal ceremonies. In this place on December 19, 1949 used the inauguration Univ. Gadjah Mada University. The complex is made higher than the surrounding soil with two levels to rise in the north and south. Among the events and Siti Hinggil planted rows of trees Gayam (Inocarpus edulis / Inocarpus fagiferus; family Papilionaceae).

On the right and left lower end of the ladder north Siti Hinggil Pacikeran there are two wards which are used by abdi-Dalem Mertolulut and Singonegoro until about 1926. Pacikeran barasal of ciker word which means a broken hand. Tarub Great Buildings located just north of the top level. The building is square-shaped canopy with four poles, where the authorities of transit waiting for his entourage into the inner palace. In the northeast and northwest are the Great Tarub Kori Ward. In this place, formerly in charge of servants and servant-Kori Dalem Dalem attorney whose function is to convey the people's petition and complaint to the Sultan.

Manguntur Tangkil ward lies in the middle of Siti Hinggil under or inside a large open hall called Tratag Sitihinggil. This building is where the Sultan sat on his throne at formal occasions such as royal inauguration and Pisowanan Sultan Agung. In this ward also on December 17, 1949 Ir. Sukarno was inaugurated as President of the United States of Indonesia. Witono standing in the south ward Manguntur Tangkil. The main floor wards greater than Tangkil Manguntur is made higher. This building used to put symbols of royal or royal heritage royal official during the event.

Bang bale is located on the east Tratag Siti Hinggil in ancient times used to store the device Gamelan Sekati, Guntur Madu and KK KK Dragon Wilaga. Angun-angun bale located on the west Tratag Siti Hinggil in his day was a place to store the spear, KK-angun Angun Suro.

Kamandhungan Lor

In the south there Hinggil Siti hallway that ran east-west. South aisle wall is a wall Cepuri and there is a large gate, Regol Brojonolo, as a liaison with Kamandhungan Hinggil Siti. To the east and west sides of the south gate there is a checkpoint. This gate is only opened during an official ceremony in the royal and other days are always in a closed state. To enter the complex in the palace complex Kamandhungan once daily through the door Keben Gate on the east side and west of this complex, each of which a respective door into the street and Rotowijayan Kemitbumen.

Ler Kamandhungan complex is often called because in its pages Keben Keben planted trees (Barringtonia asiatica; family Lecythidaceae). Ponconiti wards located in the middle of the page is the main building in this complex. In the past (roughly until 1812) use this ward to try the case with the penalty of death by the Sultan himself who led the trial. Another version is used to adjudicate all matters relating to the royal family. This ward is now used in a custom event like Garebeg and sekaten. In the south ward there Ponconiti large canopy to reduce the guests from their vehicles called Bale Antiwahana. In addition to the building there are several other buildings in this place.

Sri Manganti

Sri Manganti complex located south of the complex and connected by Ler Kamandhungan Regol Sri Manganti. There is a decoration on the wall insulation giant Makara. On the west side of the complex there is a ward of Sri Manganti that in his day used as a place for receiving important guests of the kingdom. Now in this location which placed some form of heritage palace gamelan musical instruments. It also functioned to organize events tourism palace.

Mas Traju ward located on the east side became the first royal officials when accompanying Sultan dala welcome guests. Another version says the possibility of a tribunal of this place (?). This place used to place some form of heritage which, among other stretchers and dressing table. These wards had collapsed on May 27, 2006 earthquake that rocked Yogyakarta and Central Java. After the restoration process that takes a long time finally in early 2010 this building has stood in its place again.

In the east ward there are two guns made by Sultan HB II that flank a lettered inscriptions and Chinese language. On the east side stands Gedhong Parentah Hageng Palace, Palace of the High Administrative building. Also on this page are Pecaosan Attorney ward, ward Pecaosan Soldier, Pecaosan Dhalang wards and other buildings.


Donopratopo Gate, Kraton

On the south side of the complex of Sri Manganti stand Regol Donopratopo connecting with Kedhaton complex. In front of the gate, there is a pair of giant statues called Dwarapala Cinkorobolo Bolobuto adjacent to the east and west. On the east side there is a checkpoint. On the south wall insulation depending on the royal emblem, Praja Cihna.

Kedhaton complex is at the core of the whole palace. Pages most dirindangi by kecik Sapodilla tree (Manilkara kauki; family Sapotaceae). The complex is at least can be divided into three parts page (quarter). The first part is the Court of Kedhaton and is part of the Sultan. The next section is a princess who is the wife (wives) and the daughter of the Sultan. The last part is Kesatriyan, was part of Sultan's sons. In this complex, not all buildings or parts thereof open to the public, especially from the ward Kencono westward.

At the Court of Kedhaton, Ward Kencono (Golden Pavilion) facing east is the main palace hall. In this place held a variety of ceremonies for the royal family in addition to a state ceremony. On the fourth side of this building there is Tratag Ward Kencana formerly used for dancing. In the west ward there Kencana nDalem Ageng Proboyakso facing south. This wood-walled building was the center of the Palace as a whole. In it lie Heritage Kingdom (Royal Heirlooms), Throne of the Sultan, and symbols Kingdom (Regalia) others.

In the north nDalem Ageng Proboyakso stand Gedhong Jene (The Yellow House) a residential building official (official residence) Sultan reigns. The building is dominated by yellow on the doors and poles used to Sultan HB IX. Sultan HB X spot that overlooks the east is used as a private office. While the Sultan himself residing in the palace Kilen. In the northeast Gedhong Jene standing one-storey only building in the palace, Gedhong Purworetno. The building was founded by Sultan HB V and became the official office of the Sultan. This building is facing towards the south ward Kencana.

In the south ward Ward Sweet Kencana stand facing east. The building is used as a royal banquet. Now this place used to clean the royal heritage month of Suro. Other buildings in this section is a box Ward, Ward Mandalasana, Gedhong Patehan, Gedhong Danartapura, Gedhong Siliran, Gedhong Sarangbaya, Gedhong Gangsa, and so forth. In this place also now stands a new building, Gedhong Glass as a museum Sultan HB IX.

Princess is home to the Empress and the king's concubine. In a place that has a special place to worship in his time residence of the unmarried daughter of the king. This place is a closed area since it was first established until now. Kesatriyan in his day used as the residence of the king's unmarried son. The main building is Pendapa Kesatriyan, Gedhong Pringgandani, and Gedhong Srikaton. Kesatriyan section is now used as a venue for events tourism. Among Plataran Kesatriyan Kedhaton and former horse stables, driven by the Sultan.


On the south side there is Regol Kamagangan Kedhaton complex that connects the complex with complex Kedhaton Kemagangan. This gate is so important because in the north there is a baffle wall sculpture depicting two snakes in the establishment of Sultan Palace. On the south side there were two snakes in the right and left of the gate that describe the same year.

Kemagangan complex formerly used for receipt of prospective employees (abdi-Dalem Apprentice), a place to practice and test the loyalty of the servants, and apple-Dalem internship. Magangan wards located in the middle of the page is used as a place of ceremony Bedhol Songsong, puppet show which marked the completion of the entire ritual procession in the palace. Building Pawon Ageng (palace kitchen) Sekul Langgen on the east side and Pawon Ageng Gebulen located on the west side. Both the name refers to the type of rice dishes and rice Langgi Gebuli. In the southeast and southwest corners are Panti Pareden. Second place is used to make Pareden / Mountains on the eve of Garebeg Ceremony. On the east and west there is a gate, each of which is the door into the street and road Suryoputran Magangan.

On the south side of the page there is a road that connects the complex with Regol Gadhung Kamagangan Mlati. Back in the middle there is a suspension bridge over the canal that connects two saris Park artificial lake in the west and east of the complex of Taman Sari. In the west where there is a small pier used by the Sultan to boating through the canals and visit the Taman Sari.

Kamandhungan Kidul

At the southern end of the lane on the south complex Kamagangan there is a gate, Regol Gadhung Mlati, which connects the complex with the complex Kamagangan Kamandhungan South / south. The walls of the gate insulator has the same ornamentation with the wall insulation Kamagangan gate. In the South there are complex Kamandhungan Kamandhungan Ward main building. The ward is said to have originated from the gazebo in the village of Jackfruit Coral Pandak Sokawati area that was once the place of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I stationed during the war throne III. On the south side of South Kamandhungan there is a gate, Regol Kamandhungan, which became the most southern door of the complex Cepuri. Among the complex Kamandhungan Kidul and Siti Hinggil Kidul road there called Pamengkang.

Siti Hinggil Kidul

Siti Hinggil meaning of the high ground, siti: land and Hinggil: high. Siti Hinggil Kidul or now known as Hinggil Sasana Dwi Abad is located on the north plaza Kidul. Siti Hinggil Kidul vast complex of approximately 500 square meters. Ground on this building elevated about 150 cm from the ground around it. Side of the east-north-west of this complex there is a small street called Pamengkang, where people passing by every day. Formerly in the middle of the gazebo there Hinggil Siti simple then restored in 1956 into a Gedhong Hinggil Sasana Dwi Abad as a warning sign 200 years the city of Yogyakarta.

Siti Hinggil Kidul used in ancient times by the Sultan's palace to watch the soldiers who are doing the rehearsal Garebeg, where watched the human race with a tiger (rampogan) and to train female soldiers, Langen Kusumo. This place also becomes the beginning of the funeral procession of a long journey to the Sultan, who died Imogiri. Now, Siti Hinggil Kidul used to shew the performing arts to the public particularly the wayang kulit, exhibitions, and so on.
Source: http://sunudotcom.blogspot.com/ Translate By : Gedesebayu

Jogja Cultural Tourism

wells Gumuling

Not many people know that buildings Gumuling wells located in a garden complex with this juice is actually an underground mosque which is used in the heyday of Yogyakarta Palace. to get to the rest of gumuling there used to be two way is through the west gate and east gate. Actually, the gates are part of the culvert (culvert) into the wells gumuling. West gate now only remains just as well-urungnya nevertheless has collapsed making it impossible to pass, while the eastern gate is still in fairly good condition and fail-urungnyapun still passable.

Gumuling wells are building mosques that have a lot of philosophy in terms of its architecture. The main door gumuling wells so that there is only one entrance and exit fatherly must use the same door. banhwa it contains the philosophy of human life comes from God and will return to God. the well in question was sebndiri there in the middle of the building and above there are stairs to get to the second floor. date there are five pillars of Islam refers to the number, four were headed ketengah forming a small yard and other dates sati connects to the second floor. That is one step above shows bilamanan we have been "able" then we can perform the Pillars of Islam that all five of pilgrimage. on the second floor there are 4 windows that define the wind


According to the history of the Sultan's Palace has a gate (Plengkung), amounting to five pieces in his fortress, namely:

Plengkung Tarunosuro tumur located next to the plaza north of the now better known as Plengkung Wijilan because it was in the area Wijilan.
Plengkung Madyasura on the eastern side of Yogyakarta Kingdom. Plengkung was closed on 23 June 1812, as it became known as Plengkung Buntet (closed). during the reign of Sultan hamengkubuwana to VIII Plengkung is dismantled and then replaced with regular gate arches.
Plengkung Nirbaya, located south of the plaza plaza south and sekerang better known as Ivory Plengkung. Plengkung Nirbaya the southern tip of the main axis of the palace. From this place of Sultan HB I entered the Sultan Palace at the time of transfer of the central government of Ambar Kedhaton Ketawang. These gates are traditionally used as an exit route for a long funeral procession of the Sultan to Imogiri. For this reason, this place became closed to the Sultan's throne.
Plengklung constable is located west of the park Plengkung yanglebih known as a juice because of its location adjacent to the Taman Sari.
Plengklung Jagasura located west of the plaza north and the more widely known as Plengkung gerjen

Of the five Plengkung are still visible above its original form only Plengkung Tarunasura / Wijilan and Plengkung Nirbaya / Ivory

Dipowinatan Tourism Village

Dipowinatan tourist village is quite new for you all but keep in mind that this tourist village has been proclaimed since 4 November 2006. At a glance flashes if you do not pay close attention Dipowinatan hometown looks the same as the other existing kampug urban. Namin, if you enter the village Dipowinatan these assumptions will be your tepis. Besides a neat environment clean and also the lives sosiokultur society while maintaining its own dance traditions into power.

The concept offered is Blusukan and visiting family disebuah Java. Where tourists in visiting should use Java clothes and also tourists will be treated to culinary Java. Besides tourists also travel disjikan inner experience that is packaged in the reality life, where tourists are invited to enjoy the dive as well as routine daily life of local communities as if there are residents who hold a wedding tourists are invited jagong by Java and also contributed, even tourists also come Rewang . There was also a package Enjoy the Culture of the package to enjoy the atmosphere in art performances and enjoys a variety of attractions that are full of traditional values​​.

Tomb Kota Gede

Kotagede is an area located in the southern part of Yogyakarta. This area was once a center of Islamic Mataran Kingdom government in power in the mid-sixteenth century AD Currently, in addition to seeing the ancient buildings legacy, Kotagede also known as a place of pilgrimage, especially at the tomb Panembahan Senapati, the first king of Mataram Islamic kingdom. In the complex there are a few relics like watu gatheng believed to be the game Raden Rangga, the Great Mosque of Mataram the former residence Panembahan Senapati, forts and trenches. In the town there are also traditional markets and crafts center of silver is quite famous in the city of Yogyakarta.

Taman Sari

Taman sari palace is situated in the west region is still within the scope of the fortress palace. Taman sari name anyone interpret it as a beautiful garden and stunning. Castle is a castle in his time the water that serves as a place of recreation, rest house and fortress for the Sultan's wife and the whole family Sulatan Sultan Palace. It appears from the Segaran complete with boat, the underground halls, swimming baths and a place to change clothes, exercise swimming pool, space for dancing, kitchen and so on.

This historic building began to stand in the middle of the eighteenth century AD and was built in the reign of Sultan Buwana I. The place is also known as the Water Castle is currently still a lot left his greatness. It is said that the symbolic garden sari can be interpreted as an interface that does not directly connect the outer and inner between the sultan and his subjects. Around the village there is also Castle Garden as the center kerajianan batik batik painting in particular.

Open: Monday - Sunday 8:00 to 2:00 p.m.

Puro Pakualaman

Pura Pakualaman Duchy Palace which is located east of Yogyakarta Kingdom. Historical existence is not separated from the duchy sejakrah Yogyakarta Sultanate. The palace which was founded in the early nineteenth century AD is now the residence of Sri Paduka Paku Alam IX and his family. Sri Paduka Paku Alam IX at this time also became the Vice Governor of Yogyakarta and is a single bi with Sri Sultan Buwana X (part of the privilege DIY).

Open: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays 09:30 to 13:30

Puro Pakualaman

Jl. Sultan Agung Yogyakarta

Tel. 0274-562161

Kraton Hadinigrat

Kraton is the main object in the city of Yogyakarta. Historic buildings which is the palace and residence of the Sultan and his family Buwana was established in 1756. Sultan's Palace with all its customs and culture into community life of the spirit of Yogyakarta. Kraton is also a major tourist attraction in the city of Yogyakarta, both in terms of heritage buildings and customs that exist in it. In the Palace of Yogyakarta on the side can enjoy the beauty of the past through the architecture of the building, can also enjoy traditional art that is served every day in Ward Manganti. Currently occupied by a family Kraton Sultan Buwana X who became king at once governor of Yogyakarta.

Open: Monday - Sunday 8:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Friday 08:00 to 12:00


Kraton Yogyakarta

Jl. Rotowijayan 1 Yogyakarta

tel. 0274 373177

South of the square

Alun-alun Kidul (South) is a square in the south of Yogyakarta Palace. Alun-alun Kidul are often referred to as Pengkeran. Pengkeran derived from the word pengker (form manners) of buri (rear). It is in accordance with the square keletakan Kidul is located behind the palace. The square is surrounded by a square wall with five gates, one on the south side and on the east and west sides of each of the two. Between north and south gate on the west side there is ngGajahan an elephant's cage in order to maintain the Sultan. Around the plaza planted with mango trees (Mangifera indica; family Anacardiaceae), pakel (Mangifera sp; family Anacardiaceae), and kuini (Mangifera odoranta; family Anacardiaceae). Banyan tree there are only two pairs. Pair in the middle of the square called Supit Urang (literally = claw shrimp) and another pair on either side of the south side of the gate called Wok (from bewok, harfiaf = beard). From the south side of the gate there is a road that connects with Plengkung Ivory Nirbaya.

South plaza, formerly a palace soldier row exercises, the day before the ceremony Grebeg. The place was also a district officer courtiers SOWAN event along with his soldiers, on the night of the fasting month of 23, 25, 27 and 29. But since the reign of Sri Sultan HB VIII, pisowanan is stopped.

there is one game that is very interesting tradition in the south plaza plaza called Masangin. Masangin is entering a gap between two banyan trees in the middle of the plaza is in a state of closed eyes. It seems trivial, but not easy. Many have tried, but failed. Always turn directions. you want to try??
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