Various ways proposed by the experts to deal with stress, ranging from therapy to medication. But in ways that may not be successful if the proposed way of looking at the problem itself is not changed. Stress is a mental problem than physical. The way to overcome it would be a psychological approach, because this problem in perspective view of a problem.
Source of ProblemIf you want to look back, how the problem came and went, we should understand that problems arise because our own ability that has not been enough to overcome the difficulties that arise. If capabilities are adequate certainly a matter that had previously been a problem not a problem anymore. Elementary school children would be stressful if you have to resolve a matter that should be done by high school kids, it's easy examples. Why stress, because the ability of elementary school children in completing the math normally there are below average high school kids.Seeing Problems as OpportunitiesIf you stress a problem that has never encountered, you should see this as an opportunity for you to learn and find the best solution of the problem. Experience in finding this solution will make personal the better prepared you are if the same problem came back. Obviously if you are taking lessons. Is not the experience is the best teacher?
If then you still stress as they face the same problem, we can guess that you do not take lessons from the same problem in the past. So do accusations of others first dong, if the problem lies in the unprepared's or your skills are not developed. It's about yourself, not others.
In conclusion ...Life is a constant learning process, so the wise say. In the process of learning of course no test is intended as an evaluation whether or not you learn from this life. And in many ways, a test in life called PROBLEM. Problems pile up with no solution will make your STRESS. So in order not to stress, every problem that came to be addressed as an opportunity to become smarter, wiser and more experienced in seeking solutions, not to let the matter is not bersolusi