Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

tips on maintaining a healthy heart

Salmon and Padia grains good for your heart
Did you know that Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA contained in fish Salmon and Mackerel can prevent coronary heart disease cause death? A research in the Netherlands stated that the consumption of fatty fish an average of 6 grams a day can lower the risk of coronary heart disease.
Maintaining heart health can also be done by eating whole grains, vegetables, fruits, fats and lean protein. Here are some types of food consumed to maintain good heart health, namely oranges, avocados, almonds, black beans, cocoa powder, canola oil and Cereal.
Turmeric and Green Tea to Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular and coronary arteries

A Canadian study proves that there is lots of substance curcumin in turmeric can reduce the risk of an enlarged heart (cardiovascular) and heart failure. In addition, curcumin can also restore heart function and prevent scar formation.

In addition to turmeric, green tea leaves are also potent to help keep the arteries of the heart. Green tea contains flavonoids and antioxidants that are very nutritious.

Egg consumption, Maintain Heart Health
Menjagakesehatan heart it can also be done by eating eggs. Probably not many people know that egg consumption was good for the heart. You can eat 3 eggs a week without worrying exposed to cholesterol, as long as you reduce the consumption of butter, bacon, and foods that contain more saturated fat.
Salad, Keeping You Healthy Blood Vessels
Among the tip-most important tips is to keep the heart healthy by keeping the blood vessels. Make sure there are no blockages or any plaque in your blood vessels, or damage occurs.
A lot of mixed lettuce in a salad turned out to be able to prevent potential damage to blood vessels. The content of folate in Lettuce efficacious in converting homocysteine ​​medium capable of damaging blood vessels and thus reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke.
Pasta is incorporated at Roast chicken can also prevent the accumulation of plaque in arteries that is the forerunner of heart disease. Pastes containing acid capable of increasing the absorption Folid / absorption of vitamin B6 and B12 which brought the chicken.
Supplements What's Good for Your Heart?
Maintaining heart health can also be helped by taking the right supplements. Foods such as fish oils, magnesium, vitamin C and CoQ10 is a supplement yangbaikuntuk heart. Fish oil, according to research by experts, can prevent blood clotting. Sedangkanmagnesium can reduce heart attacks. In addition, vitamin C can flex artery and CoQ10 help revitalize heart cells.
Red tomatoes can also be helpful to keep the heart. Tomatoes contain lycopene. This substance is beneficial for maintaining heart health.

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