Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Tawadhu Is Humble

Understanding Tawadhu 'is humble, not arrogant. Deeper understanding is if we do not see ourselves as having more value than any other servant of God. People who tawadhu 'is a person realizes that all the pleasure he gets comes from Allah SWT. That with the understanding that it never occurred at all in his heart of pride and feel better than others, do not feel proud of potrensi and achievements that have been achieved. He remained humble and always keep our hearts and intentions of all charitable shalehnya of everything other than God. Keeping sincerity deeds only because of God.
Tawadhu is calm, simple and truly away from the action takabbur (arrogant), or sum'ah want to know other people our good deeds.
Tawadhu is one part of a noble character, so have we as Muslims should be tawadhu, because tawadhu is one of morality that must be owned by any Muslims. Consider the following words of the Prophet SAW:

Rasulullah SAW said: which means "There is no property was reduced because of charity, and Allah is not forgiving someone who adds to it's glory. And no one who bertawadhu to God, but glorified (gets Izzah) by God. (Narrated by Muslim).

Iyadh bin Himar ra. said: Rasulullah SAW said: "Verily Allah has revealed to me:" Bertawadhulah until someone does not boast against the other and one does not persecute the other. (Narrated by Muslim).

Rasulullah SAW said, "Arrogant is to reject the truth and belittle people." (Narrated by Muslim)

Ibn Taymiyyah, an expert in the Hanbali madhhab explains in his book, Madarijus Salikin that tawadhu fulfill all of truth is the earnest, faithful devote themselves to God so completely the servant of God, (not the servant of the people, not the servant of the passions and not because of the influence of anyone else) and without regard him high.

The sign of the tawadhu 'is when someone is increasing their knowledge is growing too tawadhu attitude' and affection. And increasingly his charity then increasing the fear and alert. Whenever growing age then the less greed lust. Every time increased his wealth then bertambahlah generosity and willingness to help others. And every time growing high status and position it closer to the man and he's also trying to fulfill their diverse needs and be humble to them .. This is because the people who tawadhu aware of every blessing he gets is from Allah, to test whether he bersykur or kufr.

Consider the following words of God: "This includes the Grace of my Lord to test me whether I am grateful or deny (to be His blessings). And whoever is grateful he indeed grateful for the (good of) his own and whoever is ungrateful, then surely my Lord is Rich again of Glory. " (Surat an Naml: 40). "

Here are some verses of the Koran which affirm the commandment of Allah to always be tawadhu 'and away from the arrogant attitude, as follows:

"And do not you walk on this earth to brag, because you will not be able to penetrate the earth or soaring mountains" (Surah al-Isra, 37).

Allah SWT says another: "The country's Hereafter We made for people who do not want a vanity in the face of the earth and damage in the (face) of the earth. And end (the good) it is for those who fear Allah (Sura al-Qashshash-83.)

And the servants of the Merciful God was (is) the people who walk on the earth humbly and when the ignorant address them, they say the words (containing) safety. (Surat al-Furqaan: 63 )

There is no doubt that Allah knows what they conceal and what they reveal. Truly Allah loveth not the arrogant. (Surah: An-Nahl: 23)

Those who deny Our revelations and brag about it, never will be opened for them the doors of the heavens is not (well) they enter the Garden until the camel into the eye of a needle. Thus do We punish the people who do evil. (QS: Al-Araf: 40)

When it is said to him: "Fear Allah", his pride arose that caused it to sin. It is sufficient (return) Jahannam hell. And it's really hell Jahannam dwellings worst. (QS.Al-Baqarah: 206)

Here are some examples of the Prophet Muhammad Ketawadhu'an

1. Anas if met with small children, then always say hello to them, when asked why he did it he replied: I saw my beloved Prophet Muhammad always do so. (Bukhari, Fathul Bari'-6247).

2. From Anas said: The Prophet SAW has a camel named al-'adhba `an unbeatable flight, then come an 'a'rabiy with his camel and beat, then hit the hearts of the Muslims witnessed this until it is known to the prophet SAW, then he said: Being haq God if there is anything in the world would exalt themselves will be humbled him. Bukhari (Fathul Bari'-2872).

3. Abu Said al-Khudarii ra once said: Be you like the Prophet SAW, SAW sew his clothes torn, feeding his own camel, fixing his house, milking goats, making sandals, eat together with his assistants, give them clothes, keperluannya buy their own in the market and carry it himself to his house, he met the rich and poor, the elderly and children, say hello first to those who passed both parents and children, black, red, or white, slave nor free man slave throughout including people who like to pray.
And he SAW was a very humble, gentle temperament, outstanding philanthropist, exquisite behavior, always beaming face, ready smile to anyone, very tawadhu 'but do not grovel, generous but not extravagant, easy to pity her , is merciful to all Muslims. SAW He came alone to visit the sick, attending funerals, visiting both riding a donkey or on foot, to grant the invitation of the slave of whoever and wherever. Even when the power SAW has been covering the Arabian peninsula came a great 'SAW A'rabiy facing him with her whole body shaking, then he SAW a glorious headed to the person and say: Calm down, calm down, I was not the King, I am only child of a woman Quraish who used to eat dried meat. (Reported by Ibn Majah-3312 from the ashes of Mas'ud al-Badariiy)

Speaking further about tawadhu ', actually tawadhu' is indispensable for anyone who wants to keep the charitable pious or charitable kindness, in order to remain sincere, pure of purpose other than Allah. Because it is not easy to keep the sincerity of pious charity or good deeds we are to remain pure, clear of purpose other than Allah. It's hard to keep all the pious and charitable good deeds we do keep it clean from the purpose other than to expect His good pleasure. Because so many temptations that come, are always trying to pollute our good deeds. Especially in times of praise and fame began to come toward us, it was increasingly difficult for us to continue to maintain the purity of our pious charity, without terbesit a sense of pride in our hearts. Here is indispensable tawadhu 'knowing full well that in fact all pious charity, good deeds we can possibly do, it is because of the help and the permission of Allah.

Tawadhu 'also absolutely owned for preachers who are struggling to raise Kalimatullah on this earth, then the nature tawadhu absolutely necessary to the success of his preaching mission. Because if not, then when a preacher get the praise, get a lot of pilgrims, admired and fame began to him, without ketawadhu'an, then a preacher will not escape the pride in his success.